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Experience the freedom of entrepreneurship
Ditch the old-school 9-to-5 grind, the endless job loyalty, and the "save-for-retirement-in-30-years" plan. Whether you dream of taking more time off, mastering a new language, or spending 14 weeks a year exploring the world, there’s no better time to start your own business than now.
Hi! My name is Mike Weber and
I’m a serial entrepreneur.
I was a college dropout and a beachbum, scraping by earning a living as a scuba Divemaster, a surf instructor, and a preschool “lunch lady” in Hawaii. I was plagued with cynicism, negativity and anxiety about the world, and I partook in many of the vices you might imagine a beach bum may have; too much partying, drinking and drugs. Sixteen years ago, I started to turn my life around with sales and entrepreneurship, and a deep dive into hundreds of books on personal development, positive psychology and business.